Best Starting Class In Dungeon Hunter 6

Dungeon Hunter 6 is a massive game with a lot going on in it. With this guide we are going to break what the best class to start as in the game.

Dungeon Hunter 6 Class
This is our guide to the best starting class in Dungeon Hunter 6! | © Gameloft

Dungeon Hunter 6 is a brand new action role-playing game from the longtime Dungeon Hunter series.

As a collaboration between GOAT Games and Gameloft, the series is finding itself on an epic journey.

In the game, players can expect to find themselves facing off against strong enemies in an almost never-ending wave of them.

To make combat fun, Dungeon Hunter 6 has made it so players can choose between five classes who all sport a different playstyle, strengths, and weaknesses.

Dungeon Hunter 6 Best Starting Class

Dungeon hunter 6 9
These are all of the classes that are available to choose from. | © Gameloft

In our extensive testing, we have found that all of these classes are generally very good!

But there is a standout class that we have found is better than the rest. Let's take a closer look at them.


The Warrior is by far the best class in the game. Since Dungeon Hunter 6 is a game focused on having you fight in close-quarters combat with enemies, you are always going to be getting hit.

Lieutenants are a good way to ensure that you are always able to survive, but they aren't as reliable as you may want them to be.

To take this in a different direction, we find that the Warrior is the best because he has the attack power, defensive capabilities, and control that the other classes do not have.

While playing Warrior, you should also use your amazing Lieutenants to be the ones buffing and healing you instead of them doing the most damage.

The Warrior is an armor-clad, weapon-wielding killing machine who focuses on his class specialty of applying the Bleed effect to enemies.

Bleed is a status effect that will continually apply damage over time to the enemies that you are attacking.

This means that encounters with large amounts of enemies and bosses will be almost no trouble to the Warrior player who smartly balances his attacks.

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Zach Maikranz
Zach Maikranz