How To Fix Failed To Connect & Login Error In AFK Journey

This guide shares for general fixes and workarounds that players can use to fix AFK Journey network and login errors.

AFK Journey network error and login fix
Here's a guide on fixing network and login errors in AFK Journey. | © Farlight Games

Similar to its predecessor, AFK II: Journey, which we call AFK Journey for convenience, is a live service game that requires an always-on internet connection to play.

Even though the AFK games are known for auto progression, even when offline and not playing the game while you are active, logging in requires a constant internet connection for the game client to communicate with the game servers.

With these many layers to play a game, there are bound network and login issues—some from the player's end and others from the server and developers' side.

Among them, the most common are the failure to connect and the login errors that players often encounter while playing a game like AFK Journey.

So, if you cannot log into AFK Journey due to login and network errors, this guide is for you.

Fixing Failed To Connect & Login Error

AFK Arena Expired Jan2023
Here's the fixes for AFK Journey network error. | © Farlight Games

Before you try fixes for the failed to connect and login errors in AFK Journey, you must first complete the following checks:

  • Check if the AFK Journey game servers are live without issues.
  • Check if your internet connection is working.
  • Check if you can play the game using Wi-Fi if you have used mobile data before and vice versa.

If the AFK Journey game servers are down, you can do nothing from your end other than wait out.

That being said, many times, our device switches between networks or the internet connection goes down while playing the game. In those cases, you can play AFK Journey again using any active internet connection.

Assuming the above checks are done and you still face the issue, try the fixes below.

Restart The Game

Restarting the game is the most straightforward action that fixes most login issues. May it be for AFK Journey or any other live service game.

So, restart your game and, if possible, your device, and then try to log into AFK Journey. If the issue persists, the problem may be associated with your internet connection.

Soft Reset Your Router

If you use a Wi-Fi connection, try a soft reset by removing the power cable for a few seconds and then plugging it back.

A soft reset fixes network-related glitches causing issues in live service games like AFK Journey.

Clearing Cache

Clearing the game data and device cache has previously fixed network and login errors in AFK Arena, and it should work for AFK Journey, too.

Comment by u/cannibalistiic from discussion in afkarena

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Hritwik Raj

Hritwik has been playing all kinds of games since childhood and is a self-proclaimed guru of all games. He is one of the Gaming Leads at MobileMatters who is always inclined towards souls games, shooters like Apex Legends and Call of Duty, RPGs and MMOs....