Apex Legends Mobile Flux: What Is It? How To Earn Fast, More

Flux is Apex Legends Mobile's in-game currency. Here is an explainer breaking down how to use it, earn more, and what you can spend it on.

Apex legends mobile flux
Flux is one of Apex Legends Mobile's in-game currencies. | © Respawn Entertainment

The global release of Apex Legends Mobile has arrived and thousands of mobile players are jumping into the small screen version of Respawn Entertainment's battle royale.

The game is a beautiful recreation of the mainline game, however, it does have some key differences, there is the mobile-exclusive Fade legend, and there is also the introduction of a new in-game currency called Flux.

Flux allows you to unlock character skins though many are finding it difficult to acquire the amount needed to actually do so. So, if you aren't entirely sure how Flux works in Apex Legends Mobile or want to learn how to faster acquire it, this comprehensive Flux guide will reveal all.

Apex Legends Mobile Flux - What Is It?

Flux is one of Apex Legends Mobile's in-game currencies and can be used to unlock certain in-game cosmetics.

However, unlike Syndicate Gold, you can not purchase Flux, but instead, you earn it by completing in-game challenges and grinding the battle pass. You can see how much Flux you currently have by heading to the in-game store.

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You can check how much Flux you have from the in-game store. | © Respawn Entertainment

As you can see in the image above, there are two currencies listed at the top right of the screen, Flux is the Blue icon, and Syndicate Gold is the other.

What Can You Spend Flux On In Apex Legends Mobile?

Currently, Flux can only be spent on cosmetic items from the Apex Legends Mobile store, specifically the 'Crafting' section.

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Players can redeem Flux for in-game cosmetics like character and weapon skins. | © Respawn Entertainment

From the Crafting menu, you can enter the sub-categories with Flux being traded for legend and weapon skins, banners, trackers, and emotes. Prices range from 20,000 for certain legend skins to 1000 for trackers.

How Can You Get Flux Faster In Apex Legends Mobile?

Many have found that getting Flux in Apex Legends Mobile isn't a particularly quick process but there are a number of things you can do to speed up the process. Here are four ways you can get Flux fast in Apex Legends Mobile.

Daily Login Rewards

The fastest way to earn Flux is by regularly logging into the game. Daily login rewards offer up to 50 Flux at a time, with the recent Returning Champ event offering up to 150 Flux over an eight-day period.

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Daily Login rewards are a great way of increasing the amount of Flux you have. | © Respawn Entertainment

The Battle Pass

There is a minimum of 220 Flux available through the Season 1 battle pass with 40 of that pay-walled behind the premium tier.

Warehouse Disassembly

One cast-iron way to get Flux is to disassemble items you already have. To do this you will need to head to the Warehouse, which can be found by pressing the more button found on the home screen.

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The Warehouse allows you to dissemble some items for Flux. | © Respawn Entertainment

Not every item can be dissembled for Flux and, depending on the rarity, you may not get all that much but it is a way to quickly acquire Flux if you are desperate to get your hands on a particular item.


In-game events have the potential to offer up Flux but very few have yet to do so. Remember to keep checking the event calendar and pouncing on any chance you get.

For more Apex Legends Mobile goodness, why not check out:

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Daniel Conlan
Daniel Conlan