How To Fix Roblox Entry Point Not Found Error

This guide shares different troubleshooting steps that you can use to fix the Entry Point Not Found error in Roblox.

Here's how you can fix the Entry Point Not Found Error in Roblox. | ©Roblox

Roblox is a game creation and online game platform available on Mobile, PC, and Xbox platforms that are often plagued with different issues that players encountered every now and then.

One of the recent issues that have been stopping players from playing any game on the Roblox platform is the 'Entry Point Not Found' error. And if you are one such player, this guide will come in handy as we share different troubleshooting steps that you can apply to fix the 'Entry Point Not Found' error in Roblox.

Update: We checked for new fixes and verified the existing ones on March 9, 2024.

What Is Roblox Entry Point Not Found Error?

'Entry Point Not Found' is an error that occurs when one of the required .dll files is missing from the application or your system's directory.

It is an issue that not only plagues applications like Roblox, but even others, making it a common .dll issue that you can encounter for many reasons.

How To Fix Roblox Entry Point Not Found Error

You can fix the 'Entry Point Not Found' error in Roblox using the following troubleshooting methods:

Download And Update Visual C++ Redistributable

You can download and update the VC Redist application using this link to install the C and C++ (MSVC) runtime libraries, which are nothing but a collection of .dll and other files you need for running applications made using Microsoft C and C++ tools.

Scan And Repair Using System File Checker

Open the command prompt and use the code: sfc /scannow to run a system-wide scan that repair and fix any broken files. So in case the file causing the 'Entry Point Not Found' error is indeed broken and not missing, the scan will fix it.

Update Roblox Application

If you are encountering the 'Entry Point Not Found' error while using the Roblox application, make sure the app is updated.

Memory Usage

While the 'Entry Point Not Found' error on the Roblox platform is not directly related to the memory, we have many players who found they encountered the said error when their RAM usage was almost maxed out.

Freeing up the resource helped them fix the 'Entry Point Not Found' error in Roblox. So, if the above steps don't fix the issue, you can check and free your memory.

That concludes our guide on how to fix Roblox 'Entry Point Not Found' error.

For more on Roblox, check out:

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Hritwik Raj

Hritwik has been playing all kinds of games since childhood and is a self-proclaimed guru of all games. He is one of the Gaming Leads at MobileMatters who is always inclined towards souls games, shooters like Apex Legends and Call of Duty, RPGs and MMOs....