Apex Legends Mobile Legends Tier List (Season 3.5): All Legends Ranked From Best To Worst

Check out where all of Apex Legends Mobile characters rank in our Season 3.5 tier list.

Revenant apex legends
Is Revenant meta in Apex Legends Mobile? | © Respawn Entertainment

Apex Legends Mobile brings Respawn Entertainment's colorful battle royale to the small screen. Featuring a growing roster of legends, new and old, there is plenty to wrap your head around whether you are new to the series or have experience with the mainline title.

Thankfully, help is at hand. Our Apex Legends Mobile tier list ranks each of the game's fifteen legends from best to worst. So, whether you are a solo warrior, a supportive teammate, or a soldier with no limits, this tier list will help you decide when is the best legend for you.

Update: This tier list has been updated to include the latest legend, Revenant, introduced inSeason 3.5: Underworld.

Apex Legends Mobile - Legends Tier List (Season 3.5)

This tier list is designed to give you an overview of the strongest legends in Apex Legends Mobile.

We are not considering team composition, and you may find that one legend fits your playstyle more than another. Don't be afraid to trust your judgment on these matters, as mastering a legend's abilities can elevate any legend into a powerful force.

The following tier list ranks the legends from S (the best) to D (the worst), and we will continue to update this as more legends, and balance changes affect the meta.

S-Tier Legends For Mobile

  • Crypto
  • Fade
  • Octane
  • Wraith

Debuting in Season 2.5: Hyperbeat, Crypto quickly established himself as one of the game's most powerful legends. The ultimate recon legend, Crypto's ability to track down opponents, and share that information with his teammates, make him an integral part of a three-person team.

Apex legends crypto
Crypto is the game's best recon legend. | © Respawn Entertainment

His Drone EMP Ultimate is a great endgame ability, sapping opponents' shields, slowing them, and disabling their traps. Allowing you and your squad to move in and mop up.

Fade is a bit of a shapeshifter and offers up two handy movement-based abilities that make him both easy to use and powerful in the mobile title.

Apex legends mobile fade abilities
Fade is one very tricky customer. | © Respawn Entertainment

His passive, Slipstream, makes him move faster when sliding, while his Flash Back tactical allows him to rewind through space and time, transporting him back to a previous location. Whether flanking, retreating, or rotating, Fade is your man. Buffed heading back in Season 3, Fade is even more powerful.

Octane is the game's speedster, and in the chaotic world of Apex Legends Mobile, where fights come thick and fast, his ability to slink in and out of combat quicker than anyone else makes him extremely powerful. His abilities are also easy to use, a factor that shouldn't be dismissed when playing on the small screen of a mobile.

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Octane can slip in and out of battle. | © EA

Wraith has long been one of the most powerful legends, and her move to mobile hasn't changed that. Her invulnerability means that she, like Octane, can find themselves in a tricky spot but escape unharmed. If she has one, her downside is her ultimate, which can be tricky to use on mobile but not enough to dent her place in the S-tier.

  • Apex Legends Mobile Fade: Abilities & Lore

A-Tier Legends For Mobile

  • Bloodhound
  • Pathfinder
  • Gibraltar
  • Loba
  • Revenant

Crypto's entry onto mobile means his fellow recon legend, Bloodhound, has dropped down a peg. Where previously, his ability to see through walls had no equal, that is no longer the case. Crypto's ability to share the information he gleams using his drone with his teammates more easily, there is now less reason to pick Bloodhound than there once was.

Pathfinder doesn't have many fans in regular ol' Apex Legends, but his kit suits the mobile version nicely. His movement abilities make him a great option to traverse quickly and attack opponents from surprising angles. Those same abilities make him great in the late game, capable of quickly rotating to the safe zone and putting him one step ahead of his opponents.

The only reason he doesn't make the S-tier is he can be quite tricky to use, something which can be negated by using a controller or playing the game on PC with an emulator and using a mouse and keyboard.

Pathfinder apex legends tier list
Pathfinder is better in Apex Legends Mobile than in the mainline game. | © Respawn Entertainment

Gibraltar may be popular with the pros, but his abilities have never quite translated down the ranks. A powerful defensive legend, his abilities lend themselves to a player that likes to play with their thinking cap on, but he suffers on the rough and ready mobile version that is played at a quicker pace than the mainline game.

However, his ultimate, Defensive Bombardment, which drops explosive ordinance on a chosen area, is great in the late game and can prove extremely clutch, earning him a place in the A-tier.

Loba is a very good pick - especially if you are a team player. The ultimate looter, she can quickly get you and your teammates kitted out with the best of gear. One of two support legends in the game, Loba takes both the time and the hassle out of looting high-tier gear. A valuable commodity in the early game.

Revenant is the game's new offensive legend and one which isn't to be scoffed at.

His Stalker passive, which allows him to crouch walk faster and climb walls higher, makes him an absolute nuisance. His tactical is less useful - but still effective - a two-charge grenade-type weapon that disables enemies' abilities for 15 seconds and deals damage.

However, it's Revenant's ultimate that really shines. Called Death Totem, it allows Revenant to drop a totem, which he will return to if he is killed or downed - as long as it is within three minutes of it being put down. Hugely beneficial at all stages of the game and perfect for solo players.

B-Tier Legends For Mobile

  • Ash
  • Lifeline
  • Mirage

Ash was introduced in Season 3, and while she is considered an A-tier or higher legend in the mainline game, her abilities don't quite translate to mobile. An offensive legend, she lacks the firepower of a Wraith or Octane.

Her Marked For Death passive is decent for recon, but there are others better at this, and her Arc Snare tactical is far too situational to be used successfully with any regularity.

Her best ability, her Phase Breach ultimate, which opens a one-way portal to a targetted location, is great for rotations and flanking maneuvers, and that alone brings her into the B-tier.

A legend who gains from being ported to mobile is Lifeline. This support legend earns her place in the B-tier for her hands-off healing abilities, which come up clutch repeatedly on mobile. Her Combat Revive tactical, which sees her drone revive teammates while she can continue the fight, takes the hassle out of being the designated healer.

You may not gain many plaudits for it, but having a Lifeline on your team will see you win more games than you lose.

Lifeline buff apex
Lifeline is a markedly better legend in Apex Legend Mobile. | © Respawn Entertainment

Mirage's abilities are better in theory than in practice though he does have some unforeseen benefits in Apex Legends Mobile that can make her a worthwhile pick. An offensive legend, Mirage's abilities are designed to confuse and disorientate opponents, but these abilities offer diminishing returns when up against more experienced players.

In his defense, we've seen his passive, Now You See Me, be more useful on mobile; this ability, which cloaks Mirage while he is reviving a teammate, gives out a telling noise that alerts opponents. Mobile players tend to take heed of these audio cues less, making Mirage more powerful than he maybe ought to be.

Mirage apex legends mobile
Mirage has some unintended benefits in Apex Legends Mobile. | © Respawn Entertainment

C-Tier Legends For Mobile

  • Bangalore
  • Rhapsody

Bangalore really struggles to make an impact in Apex Legends Mobile, with her abilities failing to make an impact during the course of a match. Her ultimate is lackluster and needs a huge buff, her passive is completely useless for experienced players, and the tactical smokes are far too fiddly to use effectively on mobile.

Sorry, we don't have a positive counterpoint, but we're just trying to be honest: you shouldn't play Bangalore if you want to be mechanically strong in Apex Legends Mobile.

It may well be that Rhapsody grows on us, but the support legend - at the moment - is another legend that struggles to make a positive impression.

Rhapsody season 2
Rhapsody joined the Apex Legends Mobile roster in Season 2, but has failed to make an impact | © Respawn Entertainment

Her abilities are too situational, and unless you are running a pretty tight squad, you will fail to get the most out of her. These support legends always struggle to make an impact (see: Lifeline); however, if you do have a well-coordinated squad with proper comms, you'll find that Rhapsody's effectiveness increases.

D- Tier Legends For Mobile

  • Caustic

Now into the D-tier, we have Caustic. He's not very strong on mobile or the base game right now, with his problems lying with how situational his abilities are. And frankly, Caustic is even worse on mobile. Setting up a good gas trap is much more difficult on a cramped mobile display, and you really should look to another legend if you want to bring home those wins.

Caustic Apex Legends 1
Stay well clear of Caustic in Apex Legends Mobile. | © Respawn Entertainment

Even though he has received a major buff heading into Season 3, his relative power compared to the other legends still has him in the D-tier. Sorry Caustic.

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Daniel Conlan
Daniel Conlan