Apex Mobile Content Creator Kicked From Creator Program For Criticizing Game

ImOw claims he was kicked from the EA Creator Program after publicly criticizing the game, a move which has sparked calls of a boycott of the game.

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ImOw was removed from the EA Partner Program after criticizing the Apex Legends Mobile developers. | © ImOw / Respawn Entertainment

A popular mobile gaming content creator has claimed he was kicked from the EA Creator Program after it publically criticized Apex Legends Mobile on social media.

He was kicked from the program after calling out the game's developers on Twitter earlier this week, slamming the official Apex Legends Mobile Twitter account for what he saw as "pointless retweets of art," a move he branded "embarrassing."

The creator, who goes by the name ImOw and is part of mobile esports organization Tribe Gaming, has 90,000 subscribers on YouTube and has been creating content around Apex Legends Mobile since it has been announced.

He also took aim at the game's "cringe" adverts on TikTok, with ImOw preferring the developers to provide more information about what players can expect in the future for the game and work on bug fixes.

He claims that after these comments, he was kicked from the EA Creator Program, an initiative that gives content creators exclusive access to content and facilitates communication with the developers.

In a clip from his stream that has subsequently gone viral, ImOw said he was removed for "expressing my opinions and thoughts on social media."

He then stated he would no longer be posting Apex Legends Mobile content to his channel.

"You will not be seeing Apex Legends Mobile content on this channel from this day forward," said ImOw. "I am not going to give any more free promotion to the game.

"I am not going to be advertising the game to people. I am not going to be making content that does not listen to their creators and especially kicks out [...] one of their most loyal creators."

Are Content Creators Boycotting Apex Legends Mobile?

News of his removal from the program sparked talks of a boycott in the Apex Legends Mobile content creator community and messages of support came from fellow creators, including Ghost Gaming's DuckyTheGamer.

Apex Legends Mobile has been coming under increasing criticism, especially by content creators who follow the game.

On September 9, content creator ThatOneGamingBot, who is behind the apexmINTEL Twitter account, posted a lengthy open letter that claimed that the current development team has "no experience with mobile games" and that the "game is going down the gutter."

If the game is going down the gutter, then it couldn't happen at a worse time. The world got its first look at rival battle royale Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile this week, and another AAA shooter, Rainbow Six Mobile, is nearing release. That's now where ImOw is focusing his attention, and many mobile gamers dejected by Apex Legends Mobile lackluster updates and myriad bugs may well feel the same.

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Daniel Conlan
Daniel Conlan