Pokémon GO Tips & Tricks: How to Improve and Catch 'Em All

If you are a new Pokemon Go player and are trying to learn the ropes of the game, then look no further. In this guide, we give you the best tips and tricks to help you master the game.

Pokemon GO Expensive
Need some help to become the best Pokemon Master? Look no further! | © Niantic

Pokemon Go is a simple game at first glance. But, just like its video game counterparts, there is more than meets the eye here. The games have so many exciting mechanics, which you should be aware of!

In this guide, we will cover some of the best tips, tricks, and maybe some cheats that will make your experience with the game even better. Check it out below

All Tips And Tricks To Help You Master Pokémon GO

Join Online Raids

Pokemon Go Banner
Online Raids can help you a lot in Pokemon Go! | © Niantic

If you live in a region that doesn't have many Pokemon Go players or if none of your real-life friends play Pokemon Go, then you're in for a treat.

Raids in Pokemon Go are places where players go to fight hard Pokemon, which will, in turn, give them resources to level up and enhance their Pokemon. Now, sometimes you can just make it out of the house, or you need people to help you, this is where Online Raids come in handy.

Choose Your Buddy

In Pokémon Go, you can select a buddy to follow you while playing the game. When your Buddy is out, you will earn rewards by earning hearts. When you earn hearts, you can increase your friendship with your favorite Pokémon.

You want to have your buddy because it will bring you presents and help catch Pokémon, and they can also get a CP boost.

Utilize The Lucky Egg

Lucky Egg Pokemon Go
Lucky Eggs can prove to be extremely useful in the game. | © Niantic

At a certain point, it becomes harder to gain levels; those easy experience bumps you experienced at the start of your journey are no longer there, and you have to sit there and grind quests and fights all day, even to see the exp bar move.

This is where the Lucky Egg comes in handy. The Lucky Egg is an item that you can acquire, which will double the EXP that you gain. This even applies to daily quests!

Making Friends Is Very Important

You will want to add friends as much as possible. After completing any co-op content, you can add the people in the match you played with.

When you complete content, you will also gain gifts you can give to the people on your friends list. The presents can give you Stardust, items, and Eggs! So, it's always a good idea to send gifts to friends, so hopefully, they send some back to you.

Utilize Your Incense

Incense Pokemon Go
Attract Pokemon to you with Incense. | © Niantic

In Pokémon GO, Incense is one of the best items for you to use, especially when you are a starting player. This item helps lure Pokemon to you as you are out and about in the real world.

The only downside to the incense is that it only works if you move around outside. So, if you're out on the town or having a nice walk, pop that incense and catch some new friends.

Pay Attention To Your Pokemon

Every Pokemon in the game is going to be different. Some Pokemon are better at pure combat, while others are better at technique skills.

When you are going to approach any type of content in the game, it's essential to pay attention to what you need, so pick the correct Pokemon for the job. Start at the type advantage, then make your way into the details like their move sets.

The Way You Throw Your PokéBall Matters

Poke Balls Pokemon Go
PokéBalls are your best friend in the game, so make sure you use them properly. | © Niantic

At the start of the game, you are just having a lot of fun catching your Pokémon. As long as the PokéBall hits your new potential friend, you have a great chance of catching them.

But did you know that you need to pay attention when throwing the PokéBall?

If you take a look, there's a circle that gets smaller as you are aiming. When the PokéBall is at its smallest, throw the PokéBall and hit the circle. You'll gain more experience points and a huge chance to catch the Pokémon!

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Zach Maikranz
Zach Maikranz
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