Stardew Valley Haunted Chocolatier & Eric Barone: Fan Theories, 1.6 Update Hints, Leaks & More

Eric Barone, the developer for Stardew Valley and Haunted Chocolatier, recently posted an interesting screenshot on his Twitter. Let's take a closer look at what it could mean.

Haunter chocolatier header
There's an interesting connection between Stardew Valley and Haunted Chocolatier. | © Concerned Ape

Fans of the developer ConcernedApe, aka Eric Barone, have been waiting with baited breath for updates for the developer's newest game, the Haunter Chocolatier. Initially revealed in 2021, there have been minor updates here and there from the man behind the madness, Eric Barone.

While working on Haunted Chocolatier, Eric has also been pushing out significant updates to his last game, Stardew Valley.

Stardew Valley is a behemoth in the gaming sphere, and Barone could easily just leave the game without any updates, but he has been teasing another huge content patch for the upcoming 1.6 update.

On top of ConcernedApe dropping small crumbs of the upcoming Stardew Valley, he has also been dropping sweet chocolate crumbs for Haunted Chocolatier.

The most recent crumb, though, was something that has shaken the community to its core. Let's take a closer look.

Haunted Chocolatier Fan Theories

Haunted chocolatier grandpa
Grandpa from Stardew Valley is in Haunted Chocolatier? | ©Lilith Games

Tuesday, Barone took to Twitter and tweeted the above image with the text "Here's a haunted chocolatier screen."

At first look, you wouldn't assume much from a simple screenshot of a Grandpa sleeping in a bed, but then you realize, wait, that looks exactly like Grandpa from Stardew Valley.

Spoiler warning for Stardew Valley starts now.

In Year 3 of Stardew Valley, you start to get haunted by your Grandpa. He comes back to you as a ghost and critiques everything you've done for the last three years in the game.

Basically, from Year 3 on, you're tasked with meeting your Grandpa's crazy standards for the farm.

He also will have specific tasks for you to complete on your farm, which will let you unlock notable buildings and items for your farm and house.

Now, if we want to get crazy with this theory, we could maybe assume that Stardew Valley is happening all in the dreams of Grandpa.

Which would be pretty crazy. As it stands, we don't know if Haunted Chocolatier is connected to Stardew Valley at all.

They could take place in the same Universe. Haunted Chocolatier could also maybe take place after Stardew Valley, maybe.

Stardew Valley 1.6 Rumors And News

Stardew Valley
There's some interesting stuff coming in the new 1.6 update for Stardew Valley. | © ConcernedApe

In April 2023, ConcernedApe revealed that he is working on a 1.6 update for Stardew Valley as he takes a break from working on Haunted Chocolatier.

Initially, he mentioned that the new update will focus on adding more tools for modders and some new game content.

In July 2023, there was a new tweet from ConcernedApe where he said that the latest update would have new festivals, items, more dialogue, secrets, and a fifth tease, which has been left a mystery.

Now that ConcernedApe is back to posting about Haunted Chocolatier, we can safely assume that the Stardew Valley patch is done and will probably be coming out soon.

The timing of the last tweet from ConcernedApe combined with the content in it with Grandpa just seems like it's too perfect to be a coincidence, which is why many fans within the Stardew Valley community are going crazy online.

If you like our coverage of Stardew Valley and Haunted Chocolatier, please take a look at:

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Zach Maikranz
Zach Maikranz