Supercell Stops Development Of Clash Quest

It's a sad day for Clash Quest players as Supercell has just announced that they are halting the development of one of their newest strategy games...

Clash Quest End Banner

In a surprising development, Supercell has announced that they'll halt any further development of their highly-anticipated strategy mobile game, Clash Quest. They mentioned that it was a "difficult decision" and thanked players for supporting their game, sharing their feedback, and being an amazing community.

It's extremely rare to see Supercell announce the discontinuation of any of its games. So what could have led to them making this historic decision to stop developing Clash Quest?

Clash Quest Was Just Too Complicated...

Clash Quest Bosses
There was just too much that needed to be fixed in Clash Quest... | © Supercell

The announcement to drop Clash Quest was certainly a surprise. But it was no surprise that the game was going through a rough patch in the months prior to the announcement. The massive changes made in the last patch update in June simply highlighted all the internal difficulties that Supercell was facing with developing Clash Quest.

The first sentence of the patch notes perfectly summarizes the lengths they were willing to go to resolve these issues:

Clash Quest has Changed! The single-player experience has been rebuilt from the ground up to feel more immersive, more enjoyable, more dynamic, and more rewarding.

The patch saw the overhauling of key components in Clash Quest. The main map, troops, and dungeons were almost unrecognizable as they were completely redesigned. In-game items such as stars, energy, and runes were also removed.

If those weren't enough changes, Supercell also introduced new game modes, side quests, and item shards that shook up the gameplay experience so much that they left many players unable to cope. However, these changes weren't the kicker. That was when Supercell decided to reset every player's in-game progress in the patch completely.

They justified by saying:

Due to the massive redesign of the core gameplay progression, Troops, Items/Runes, etc. we want our Clash Quest Captains to experience the game with fresh eyes and fresh perspectives. Because of this, we are doing a one-time wipe of all progression.

In our honest opinion, this decision was the nail in Clash Quest's coffin.

Clash Quest Didn't Meet Supercell's Standards

Supercell Banner
The bar is high at Supercell, and Clash Quest, unfortunately, didn't clear it... | © Supercell

After tweeting their big announcement, Supercell explained the reasons behind their decision to drop Clash Quest in a separate Reddit post. They acknowledged that they have very high standards for their games. Unfortunately, Clash Quest did not meet them, and the game's last update didn't reach the bar they were aiming for.

Clash of Clans and Clash Quest Community Manager, Darian Vorlick, stated that it wasn't an easy decision to make, but he believes it was the right one given the circumstances.

In an outpouring of love for the game that was active for roughly a year, other big names in the Clash community left their heartfelt messages:

"Clash Quest will be missed. Huge respect for making such a difficult decision and excited to see what the future holds for everyone that was involved," said Judo Sloth Gaming, a popular Clash creator.

"It's such heavy-hearted news, the game had potential, definitely not huge but still a lot." said one of Clash Quest's prominent content creators, Dark Apple.

Over the coming weeks, Supercell will close the door on Clash Quest by disabling in-game purchases and de-listing the game from app stores to prevent new downloads. They will also help players transfer their in-game Clash Quest purchases to other Supercell games. You can find out more about their end-of-game plans in a recent blog post by Supercell.

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Ivan Shahran

Ivan is the Content Lead for MobileMatters and provides coverage for titles such as Clash of Clans, Brawl Stars, Clash Royale, and Wild Rift. In his role, he has written guides and news pieces and attended competitions such as ESL's Snapdragon Pro Series....