Clash Of Clans Notice Board: How This New Clan Recruitment Feature Works

Supercell has introduced a new feature to Clash of Clans, known as the 'Notice Board', to help players to find Clans and vice versa.

Clan Notice Board Clashof Clans
Find new Clan members with the new Notice Board feature in Clash of Clans. | © Supercell

Ever since the removal of Global Chat from Clash of Clans, it's been hard for Clans to communicate and find new members who'll be a good fit for their team. And, well, the community has made it very clear time and time again that Supercell needed to implement a feature to reconcile this problem.

Now, it looks like the developers have finally provided an answer to this demand with the introduction of the 'Clan Notice Board' in the recent September update.

This board is described as the best place for Clans to search for new members as well as the premier destination for players hoping to find a suitable Clan.

How The Clan Notice Board Works In Clash of Clans

Clan Notice Board Button
Tap on the 'Clan Notice' button in the 'My Clan' section to publish a message on the Notice Board. | © Supercell

The way this feature works is simple. A Clan's Leader and Co-Leaders can share a custom message (or use their Clan Description) for a post that will appear on the publically visible Notice Board. The background image seen in the message can also be customized.

You will need to spend 10,000 Gold to publish a message on the Notice Board. The message will remain there until you remove it or until you fill your Clan's maximum capacity.

If you're a player looking for a Clan, you'll be able to see Notice Board messages from Clans that best fit the search criteria that you've set. Clan members’ activity and other aspects of the game will automatically be taken into consideration when it comes to the messages that are suggested to you.

Clan Notice Board Messages
You will be presented with Clan Notice Board messages that align with your interests. | © Supercell

You can refresh the Notice Board if the previous messages don't appeal to you.

An important thing to note if you're a Clan Leader or Co-Leader is that if you change the Language or Family-Friendly Clan Settings, your Clan Notice message will be immediately unpublished. This means you'll need to repost your message should you ever change these two specific settings.

Besides the Notice Board, you can still find Clans by inputting the name/Clan Tag into the search bar or using Advanced Options.

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Ivan Shahran

Ivan is the Content Lead for MobileMatters and provides coverage for titles such as Clash of Clans, Brawl Stars, Clash Royale, and Wild Rift. In his role, he has written guides and news pieces and attended competitions such as ESL's Snapdragon Pro Series....