Marvel Snap To Get Battle Mode Tomorrow

The much-trailed battle mode is coming to Marvel Snap on January 31.

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Marvel Snap's battle mode is dropping on January 31. | © Second Dinner Studios


The original article stated that battle mode would not offer cross-regional play at launch, but Chief Development Officer on Marvel Snap, Ben Brode, has revealed that the feature was completed ahead of the previously stated time. The article has been updated to reflect this fact.


Marvel Snap, the popular card battler game, has just announced that the highly anticipated 'battle mode' is set to release on January 31, bringing a more competitive, head-to-head experience to the game.

The new game mode will also mark the start of the game as an esport, with the battle mode key to running community-organized tournaments.

Fans of the game will be over the moon for this feature, which was previously mooted to be available by the end of 2022.

Battle mode uses a different ruleset from the version that has had us glued to our smartphones since its release late last year, with matches lasting approximately 20 minutes, according to the devs.

In battle mode, two opponents will compete in multiple rounds, each starting with ten health points. The goal is to deplete the opponent's health to zero, with each snap and retreat taking on added significance. Decks will be locked for the duration of the battle, adding an extra tactical layer not seen in the usual ladder grind.

To keep battles around 20 minutes, there are 'High Stakes Rounds', which start at round 5. These rounds start with the stakes at two damage, making it easier to produce a knockout blow.

Despite the developers originally stating that at launch, the battle mode would only support matchmaking within the same region, Ben Brode, Chief Development Officer on Marvel Snap, has confirmed in a tweet that cross-regional play is supported.

Battle mode is just one of a number of new features planned for the title, with more competitive modes expected, alongside an unranked mode and the ability to change your player name.

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Daniel Conlan
Daniel Conlan